Sunday, September 22, 2013

Feeling Colorful

In class on Tuesday, we took a personality test from which we were assigned colors. Mine was Green: I'm driven by motivation, confidence, and logic, and have high expectations for most situations. I value equality- unfairness is one of the few things that can make me truly upset. The group of "Greens" was the smallest; out of the entire classroom, there were only three of us, which surprised me. I also noticed that Blue, the color for affectionate, empathetic, warm people who value feelings and emotion, was pretty far down on the scale of closeness for everyone in my group, but I came just a few points away from being a Blue. It's interesting to me that two categories that can seem so far apart actually both describe me really well. I consider myself to be a motivated and logical person, but I'm motivated by my passions and I believe that sometimes thinking logically means putting yourself in someone else's shoes.

We also took an MBTI personality test. My description was INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). At first, I was a little offended. I'm shy, but I don't consider myself an introvert. But the description of introvert clarifies that these people might just develop deeper relationships with fewer individuals, and that's something I can really relate to. I would rather have five close friends than 50 acquaintances, but I've also realized that there isn't anything wrong with just being surface friends with some people. I don't mean that in a shallow way; I just mean that we're all busy, and there's literally not enough time in the week for everyone to be best friends or get to know everyone they come into contact with on a personal level. Introverted people also recharge with alone time, which is definitely something I do. When I come home at night after being at the Union or class for 10 hours, my roommates know that I need to just go into my room for the next 45 minutes before I can come out and act energetic and social.

The term "Judging" threw me off at first as well, but it's just another way of saying what the color Green says about me: I have high expectations and a good sense of what others can excel at. This makes me proficient at delegating tasks and taking on exactly the right activity that I know I can do best.

The best part this test was that INFJ only describes about 1% of the population...and my little is an INFJ too! Obviously, we are a match made in heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,

    I think Green and INFJ suit you perfectly. I find it extremely interesting that both of your indicators are part of a small population. The first being 1 of 3 in the classroom, and the second being 1 of 2 (and 1% of the total population). I think you should continue embrace this uniqueness. Your analytical intuition has taken you to incredible places so far... just look at all that you've accomplished! From DZ to PHA (to maybe SLA) to life, you take each challenge with a firm grasp of who you are, why you're doing what you're doing, and what you want the outcome to be. This nature is incredibly humbling because you have purpose when you make decisions. I, myself, don't always think before I do. I do, then examine my actions. This retrospective way of doing things is not effective... maybe you can help me?

    You are a hard worker and have high expectations in life. However, you hit the nail on the head when you wrote about what being an Introvert means to you. You cultivate your relationships more deeply than an Extrovert might. You genuinely care about people, rather than have those 50 acquaintances. Please never let this part of you go. It's special and pretty cool.

    Peace 'n blessings,
