Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Leadership Style Feedback

For this assignment, we were supposed to find someone who has worked with us either under our leadership or as our leader. As the Director of Recruitment Guides for PHA at OSU, I decided to ask one of my Rho Gams her opinion on my leadership style. I didn't expect to be surprised by the feedback she gave me, but I was. She told me that I'm an excellent listener, but until we recently became a little closer she could tell that I was extremely hesitant to give advice or feedback unless I was confident beyond a doubt that my answers were correct. This insight was pretty useful to me because I do often hold back on giving feedback because sometimes, I would rather say nothing than give the wrong answer. This has been something that I've worked hard to improve this semester, so it's nice to hear that someone noticed. One thing she said that really resonated with me was that even though it was frustrating to go without my opinion, she liked being able to count on a genuine and honest answer. I make an effort to relay only information that I feel is relevant, useful, and honest, and I'm glad that comes across to those I mentor. One of my favorite sayings is "Don't speak unless what you have to say improves upon the silence," and I think that comes through in my leadership style.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren I love that quote "don't speak unless what you have to say improves upon the silence." That is very inspirational and something I can learn from! I need to tattoo it to my hand or something. That's an amazing leadership quality, that you lead with honesty and sincerity but don't be afraid to voice your opinion whether it's right or wrong. People can grow from other opinions and I bet you have better opinions then what most people ramble out(:
